141.80About Kyne141.12Portfolio (WIP)

140.96Commissions (WIP)140.48Artchive (WIP)

Select one of the following and navigate around them: Profile, About Me, Music, Interests, Socials. Press the GIF to head back to this page. Click here to head back to the previous page. This was last updated on December 27, 2024.

My name is Kyne. Agender/Genderless, They/Them, Filipino, 20, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Sagittarius, Wei Wuxian and Shang Qinghua Kinnie.

I do art, dance, photo/video editing, design Roblox clothes, and more. I'm mostly inactive due to college. I may be very shy but I love interacting so feel free to talk to me anytime.

[OUTDATED] I only stan BTS and BUCK-TICK but I listen to all music genres and other artists like Fall Out Boy, Kahimi Karie, Malice Mizer, Mitski, and waaay more. Feel free to send me playlists.

My current main interests are Metal Gear, MXTX, and Roblox. I have the hardest time moving on from my current fixations which is why I've only been in a few fandoms. Here is a full list of my interests.

Work in progress...

Work in progress...

Work in progress...